Tuesday 15 March 2016


This is one of few briefs that I am genuinely really pleased with. Getting responses from two creatives was an achievement I am quite proud of, and the Valentine’s Cards were an unusual idea that combined creativity with contacting professionals that produced a really unique and potentially effective outcome. This brief was also finished in good time, meaning I didn’t have to rush to complete it, which resulted in a very relaxed, unstressful process. This could show that my time management is improving, and I'm learning to juggle all the different projects more effectively. One thing I would of done differently was order in more of the Heaven 42 stock as samples or see if I could buy it from GF Smith or one of their suppliers, to use fully for the content. This would of resulted in a more completed report, rather than just suggesting what stock I would of used. Another thing I would of experimented more with was the binding method, as I went for the most straightforward, clean and functional option, which does work effectively and provides the report with a simple aesthetic. However, it would of been interesting to see how perfect bind and saddle stitch would of looked in comparison. Perfect bind might not of worked as the report does have quite few pages, but I could of experimented with different coloured topped paper on the bind, creating a coloured strip down each side of the cover, which may of added more interest. With saddle stitch I could of used a really funky coloured thread, maybe fluorescent pink or silver, even green, to give it more interest and added elements to it. I also could of screen printed the titles on the front, or even foiled, to give it a more high end aesthetic, however at the time I thought these processes unnecessary and didn’t even consider it, as I was focused on finishing the brief as efficiently as possible, to a standard I am pleased with, which I am.
Overall, very chuffed with this brief, and found it really interesting talking to Dullife Lingerie and Underground Undies, as they are two people I've followed for a while now so it was great to have a purpose to talk to them.

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